Youth of the Streets - Scholarship Program

Youth of the Streets - Scholarship Program

Since 2008 the Eden Gardens has provided an annual scholarship for a young person experiencing disadvantage through the YOUTH OFF THE STREETS – SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM. These young people are talented and determined, but lack the support network or financial means to achieve their education goals.The Scholarship Program brings together resources, corporate social responsibility and promotes community engagement with young people who have become disconnected, or are at risk of becoming marginalised. The program supports young people making a real difference in their lives with lasting effect. 

Eden Gardens scholarship recipient 2019

A message to my Sponsor – “Thank you so much for your support I honestly could notsee myself progressing like this without your help and it brings tears to my eyes knowingthat I have the financial aid to dream about bigger things instead of worrying about justliving for today. I no longer put off studying for work, nor receive my food from UnitingChurch giveaways or the food bank. You have changed my life more than I can explainin a short letter, so again, thank you”.


Eden Gardens scholarship recipient 2020

How has this scholarship impacted your life so far?
“It has provided me with the resources needed to support my study e.g. textbooksthat add to my knowledge and provide me with skills. It has also allowed me topurchase sparring gear that will allow me to progress further in my kickboxinggoals. Additionally, the scholarship was used for tutoring that helped boost myknowledge in the subjects needed”.
A message to my Sponsor – “ Thank you so much for the payment. I truly appreciateit and will try my hardest to make you proud! I'm working hard on school and extracurricular activities to support my future”