Breathe Easier Indoors

Breathe Easier Indoors

It can be tricky getting some fresh air at the moment.  So if you’re stuck indoors, what can be done?  Plants of course are great air filters.  Backed up by lots of research, including a NASA report that states how great a number of indoor plants are at clearing the air and removing toxins such as benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene.  The study showed that Bamboo palms, Ivy, Moth Orchids, Dracenas, Philodendrons and Mother-in-law’s tongues work wonders, as well as Aloe vera, Boston Ferns, Peace lilies and Spider plants.

Other tips to help you breathe easy include avoiding vacuuming (it stirs up the dust, so mop instead) and mow the lawn on clear days.  Keep you windows and doors closed and run the air conditioner, as the air goes through a filter that way.


Our Top Air Purifiers

  • Boston Fern
  • English Ivy
  • Spider plant
  • Devil’s Ivy
  • Peace Lily
  • Flamingo Lily