Easy to Grow Herbs That Can Help Clean the House

Easy to Grow Herbs That Can Help Clean the House
  • Mint has a fresh, clean aroma and is great for the bathroom. To one cup of vinegar, add equal parts mint and 5 teaspoons of baking powder. Shake well.  Strain and add ½ cup of water.
  • Peppermint is a natural pesticide.  Pop some in vodka and spray you dogs bedding.
  • Lavender works as a disinfectant as well as a deodorizer. It also calms you and helps you sleep, so is perfect for the bedroom and linen.  Add it to vodka to spritz you upholstered fabrics.
  • Eucalyptus oil has antiviral and antibacterial properties, and is a great additive for cleaning floors or removing sticky labels.
  • Orange or lemon peels warmed through olive oil or coconut can be great furniture polish
  • Bay leaves steeped in vinegar then added equal parts to water is a great pantry spray
  • Rosemary mixed with vodka is wonderful for cleaning windows and mirrors

By Lindy Wong and Meredith Kirton