Kitchen Garden by vegepod - New is store

Kitchen Garden by vegepod - New is store

Are you living in an apartment without a spot outside to grow your own edibles? Perhaps you just have trouble with access or a lack of light. Maybe you want a few fresh greens or handy herbs to add to your meals.

Whatever your inspiration, Vegepod have designed, after 13 years, the best Indoor Garden yet! Aren’t we the lucky ones?

The result? Vegepod Kitchen Garden is bringing edible growing indoors, so you can have quick and fresh produce at your fingertips.

Owner, Simon Holloway says “the Kitchen Garden has been designed to inspire home cooks, help fight the cost of living and thrive in even the most compact of dwellings.”

It comes with everything you need, including the grow lights and potting  mix just - so you can just add water - and the plants ! It’s lights, action, grow!