Munash Organics Indoor Plant Foliage Spray 500ml - Gro Urban Oasis
Munash Organics Indoor Plant Foliage Spray 500ml - Gro Urban Oasis

Munash Organics Indoor Plant Foliage Spray 500ml

Regular price
Member Price - $14.38

A natural mineral spray made especially for Indoor Plants.

This gentle blend of minerals derived from the sea will give your leaves a nourishing boost, keeping them healthy, green and happy. 


It is a liquid formula containing 40 essential micro minerals. Liquid sea minerals are ionic minerals or ready to go minerals which the leaves absorb naturally.


Research proves that the plants and soil with a higher content of minerals are less stressed, healthier and minerals assist with anti-bacterial and anti-fungal problems. In essence plants thrive on minerals.


Our spray is certified organic and is safe to use in and around your home. No smell, no residue on the leaves.

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Product details

✓ Encourages Health & Prevents Disease
✓ Easy To Use

Material Composition

Certified Organic

Munash Organics Indoor Plant Foliage Spray 500ml