Manutec Hydrangea Pink Fertilizer 500G
Manutec Hydrangea Pink Fertilizer 500G

Manutec Hydrangea Pink Fertilizer 500G

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Manutec Hydrangea Pinking Fertiliser is a specific fertiliser developed to maintain safe nutrient level and optimum pH values that are suitable for producing pink hydrangeas.

As the soil pH determines the flower colour, it is most important that suitable pH of the soil or potting media is determined and adjusted prior to growing period.  Any pH between 6.5 and 7.5 is idea for Pink Hydrangeas and this must be maintained particularly when the flower buds initiates.  pH can be increased by adding lime to the soil or growing media and maintained by regular use of this Manutec Hydrangea Pinking Fertiliser.

Follow the directions on the package and apply accordingly.

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Manutec Hydrangea Pink Fertilizer 500G